Work with Me: Your Personalized Path to Financial Freedom

Your Journey, Your Way

Are you tired of feeling like your financial situation is spiraling out of control? Do you want to take charge of your finances and regain the sense of freedom you deserve? Look no further – you’re in the right place.

1-Hour Personalized Consultations

Our one-hour personalized consultations are designed to give you focused attention and tailored guidance. Whether you prefer face-to-face meetings or virtual sessions via Zoom, these consultations are your opportunity to discuss your financial challenges, set goals, and create a roadmap to success.

15-Minute Group Consultations

Join our 15-minute group consultations for quick bursts of expert advice and support. These dynamic sessions are perfect for those seeking targeted solutions and a sense of community.

Comprehensive 90-Day Package

Ready to dive deep into your financial transformation? Our 90-day package is designed to guide you through every step of the journey. With six one-hour sessions, we’ll dissect your financial landscape, tackle challenges, and set you on a path to lasting change.

In-Person Seminars

Our in-person seminars provide an immersive learning experience. Join us to explore practical strategies, gain valuable insights, and interact with like-minded individuals who are on a similar financial journey.

Monthly Newsletter

Stay connected with our monthly newsletter, packed with informative articles, success stories, and valuable tips to keep you inspired and informed on your path to financial empowerment.

Together, We Empower Change

At Bartelle’s, we believe that change happens when you’re empowered with knowledge and supported by a dedicated partner. We’re committed to your success, and our coaching is a collaboration that empowers you to make informed decisions and take meaningful steps towards your financial goals.

A Personal Note

As your financial guide, I’m here to listen, understand, and offer guidance that suits your individual circumstances. My own journey through financial challenges has fueled my dedication to helping you overcome obstacles and achieve the financial freedom you deserve.