Welcome to Bartelle’s Financial Coaching: Empowering Your Financial Journey

Debt is a financial liability or obligation owed by one person to another.

What is Financial Coaching?

Financial Coaching is a process to transform how you manage your money, reach your goals, and eliminate money worries. We will work on budgeting, paying off debt, and saving for major goals such as kids’ college. Managing money is 80% behavior and 20% knowledge therefore your mindset will be transformed in how you manage your money.

Financial coaching is not about how and where to invest your money. You will learn how to MANAGE your money so that you can invest and watch it grow once you have paid off all your debt. 

We will have scheduled sessions to set your priorities and goals for your income, and then outline the steps to get the results you want. Our focus will be getting you out of debt so that you can have options. We will do whatever it takes to get you to debt freedom!

I would be honored to be your coach every step of the way. We can brainstorm, dream, plan, and realize your vision. The goal is to achieve your Financial Independence by becoming DEBT FREE. I am here for you. 

Let Us Get Started, Try Me and See

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